Working with Italians everyday and visiting them every year for twenty years, they never cease to make me laugh with their ways and sayings.  The Italian language is very beautiful and their proverbs  and idioms when translated are so very funny.  One  of my favourite is when someone is cranky or angry you say that ‘ He has a fly up his nose”!! “Gli è saltata la mosca al naso, si è arrabbiato”! The Italian way is very different from English, Australian and American culture......

Why I love Italy

Wednesday, 16 June 2010 05:57

My daughter asked me the other day why I have such a Passion for Italy and I responded "I have loved it from the moment I first set foot in Roma over twenty years ago." How can you explain why you love. You just do. You love when things and people make you feel good about yourself or when they set your spirit free. My spirit is set free in Italy for some reason. In Italy it soars.

The Vatican Rome

Wednesday, 09 June 2010 14:58

The Vatican encompassing the Basilica di San Pietro and the Museo Vaticano, takes a whole morning to see. I always seem to go into shock when I walk into St. Peter’s basilica as  the majesty of the place is so overwhelming and the artistry – genius!!  I have such a sense of awe there that I cannot speak.